Geo-web services for climate and meteorological services
Workshop, 2 September 2018, Budapest

The workshop on Geo-web services had to be cancelled.

Milan Kilibarda, University of Belgrade, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, plus a second trainer (to be named).

Concept: WebGIS is a quickly developing and changing science. The workshop will provide an introduction to concepts of geo-web services, methods and techniques for forecasters, meteorologists, climatologists and others.

A short review of state-of-the-art open-source WebGIS software solutions and services will be provided, followed by short exercises based on these solutions and services. For the first part of the exercises QGIS software will be used, while in the second we will attempt to build a small client in OpenLayers 3; this requires very basic understanding of HTML, JavaScript and CSS.

Server-side services would be used from the existing Web examples.

The final programme will be tailored to the experience (and interest) of registered participants.

Target group: Anyone interested in the basic concepts of WebGIS tools and services. Beginners as well as those with some first experience with WebGIS services are invited to participate in the workshop. A very basic understanding of HTML, JavaScript and CSS is required.


09:30 Welcome
09:30 Concepts of WebGIS, OGC services, Open Web Mapping. Review of state-of-the-art open-source Web-GIS software solutions (Geoserver, Geonetwork, Rasdaman, IstSOS, OpenLayers 3, Leafleat, CesiumJS)
11:00 Tea/coffee break
11:15 Demonstrations of server-side software (Geoserver, Geonetwork, Rasdaman) and examples of using WMS, WFS, WCS on client side (exercise). Example how to create Map Mashup in QGIS (exercise). A meteorological/climatological example will be used.
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 Exercise: Example how to deploy a simple web mapping application using OpenLayers 3
15:00 – 15:45 Questions and answers: discussion session – perspectives and applications
Min. number of participants: 10
Max. number of participants: 25


The registration deadline is 2 July 2018. Registration fees include catering (coffee breaks and lunch) and a copy of the course manual (pdf). Participation is by pre-registration only. An early bird rate is available until 5 June 2018.

Participation is by pre-registration only. The workshop may be cancelled in the case of low registration numbers.

Participants need to bring their own laptop, with the pre-installed latest QGIS application and qgis2web plug-in. Those wanting assistance on the installation are invited to appear at the workshop room at 09:00 and the lecturer will be happy to give advice.

Participants wishing to register for the workshop will be asked to summarise their experiences with WebGIS tools (if any) and any specific areas/levels of interest or needs. The final programme would then be tailored to the selected/registered participants' knowledge and needs.

Registration deadline: 2 July 2018
Registration fee: Early bird registration (deadline 5 June 2018): 100
  Standard registration (deadline 2 July 2018): 130